Thursday, November 09, 2006

best day ever

I went downtown in Belleville today with my friend Jason. We we're getting out of the car to head on down to Chumleighs. I forgot that my keys were still in the car! Oh what a horrible feeling. So first he tried using paper clips to open the car door through the key hole but alas it was in vain.

So I ran across the street to the library where I explained to the not so lovely receptionists my problem and that I needed a coat hanger. It probably looked so shady. I have not shaven for a while and I was wearing shorts today. Who wears shorts in November? I guess a homeless looking man does.

Anyways, the lady gave me 2 coat hangers. I quickly ran out the story (you know, to make me look even more shady) and back across the street. We tried for a half hour to get the doors unlocked. People walked by, not even saying anything but we got weird and dirty looks. It's understandable. Two guys with coat hangers downtown trying to get into a car? But I wasn't willing to call CAA and pay them for 2 seconds of work. It would have cost $50!

Then this guy named Justin who reeked of pot came along and helped us and we almost had it. We probably would have had the door open if he hadn't been high. Don't get me wrong, he was really nice and weirdly funny.

Then to top off the weird guys helping us list, this older man with a bandana around his neck came up to us and said "We all have telepathic powers," "Why don't you use those to open the door?" We all just looked at him and then looked back at the car, hoping he would leave which he did. Creepy!

Eventually we gave up and called for a taxi to drive us back to the apartment where I had to get the landlord to let us into in so I could retrieve my other set of keys. We ran back to the taxi (for taxis are expensive) and drove back to the car downtown. We opened it up and got the keys out.

Finally! What a day. We were an hour late to class but my teacher understood. We had missed a news quiz which I was worried about so I apologized for my tardiness and asked if I could do the quiz. He shook his head horizonatally. I told him I understood why then went back to my desk, sulkingly.

Surprisingly, he gave me the quiz and said in a gruff voice (for he is a gruff man) "You have five minutes, go." I scribbled the answers hastily and I got 10 out of 10! Sweet! That probably made me look good. anyways it is late and I want to brush my teeth and go to sleep.

I love you all.

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