Tuesday, January 30, 2007


If I were a girl...this is what I'd look like

Ruth and Heather!

Our little bighead!


I want to hold your hand!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

changing from the inside out

I'm very glad I went to church this morning. The message the pastor brought to the congregation brought me to tears...it really just broke me down. Here are the notes I jotted down this morning.

- Jesus Christ broke the power of sin over our lives when He died and rose again.
- To experience freedom from sin's power:
1. I must be fully committed to God and the process of changing and
2. Identify a specific area in need of drastic change.
3. Remember that you as a Christian are free from sin's power.

The question the pastor asked was this: "Is the truth of Jesus Christs death and resurrection piercing you? Does it mean anything at all to you?"

It was at this point I realized how desperate I am for Christ.

Scripture readings were:

Romans 6:8-10
1 Corinthians 10:13 (We have victory over temptation)
Romans 10:9
Romans 8:38-39 (We have victory over sin)
John 11:25-26 (We have victory over death)

I realized this morning for the first time ever in my life that I am never alone. Not once. God is constantly there whether I think it or not. Mindblowing stuff my friends. Mindblowing.

Jesus paid the high price for our lives. What are you and I willing to do for Him?

Saturday, January 27, 2007


.....................................................Look Mom! No arms!......................................
...................................... So this is what it looks like to be a ghost............
(I did not use Photoshop, just my camera)

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Attention folks

TWO New Derek Webb Projects Coming January 30, 2007

Both are collections of song spanning Derek's solo career, with highlights from all three of his solo records (She Must And Shall Go Free, I See Things Upside Down, & Mockingbird). One Zero (acoustic) was recorded in September 2006 at Derek's home studio, and features new acoustic reinterpretations of some of his most provocative songs.

It will be available in stores January 30, but is currently selling as a pre-order from the webstore. Pre-order One Zero (acoustic) today and get it on or before the release day! One Zero (remix) is a collection of the same 10 songs that will appear on the acoustic version of the record but features the work of remix engineer Will Hunt, constructing remixes from the original recording sessions. This more experimental record will also be available January 30 exclusively online (iTunes, Rhapsody, Napster). You can hear samples of both records now at Derek's MySpace page. Check it out!

(taken from Derek's Webbsite) (intended pun)

concerning hobbits and sean

Listening to the soundtrack from Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring. It wells me up everytime. It's not so much comfort music, but rather assurance that my life will be ok. I'm just having one of those days. They seem to be hitting me more often than usual.

But, I am alive and breathing, so I dare not complain. Someone will always have it worse than I do.

Those of you who read this, I'm in need of encouragement. Please give suggestions about things I could do to break out of this routine life I'm wallowing in.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

only hope

I've been putting this off since Sunday. It's funny...I feel somewhat obliged to write in this blog. Well here goes thoughts for the past three days.

Life is pretty mundane in Belleville, especially during the winter. When I'm not at school studying, I'm at home writing or trying to keep myself occupied. And on top of that, I have no real close friends in town, not like friends I used to hang out with back in Halifax. It seems life in Belleville is stale and I'm turning into mold. I'm convinced now that unhappiness stems from lack of Bible reading. If you don't water your roots, you wither away...well at least I know I am.

On the up and up, Ruth and I went to a small group Bible study in Stirling with some friendsd this past Sunday evening. I forgot how good it is to be in Christian company. God was stirring the calm pool of unwillingness that I was laying in and it felt good to be moved. I realized that night how little I really know and that I hide behind this small knowledge of the basics. Writing this makes me miss KLBC greatly.

The grand thing about all of this is that God is still waiting for me to give myself up so He can move in and start setting His plans for me in my heart. I think my problem truly lies within my mind. I don't trust Him as my only hope. My hope lies in how much cash I have or the education I receive, thinking those things will define me. I am so wrong. Incredibly wrong.

To conclude from this, I ask you the question I ask myself: Is God your only hope?

Sunday, January 21, 2007

First McMullen Church

Feeling convicted this morning. Maybe because it's Sunday and all good Christians should be at church. Since my wife took the car this morning to get to work, I am stranded in this hobbit-hole. I decided to have my own church here in my apartment and share thoughts. Here's how the bulletin looks at my church.

January 21, 2007
"Then Jesus told his disciples, ‘If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit them if they gain the whole world but forfeit their life? Or what will they give in return for their life?" Matthew 16: 24-26
Praise and Worship
Rich Young Ruler
Wedding Dress
I Repent
Scripture Reading
Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the governor’s headquarters, the praetorium and they gathered the whole cohort around him. They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him, and after twisting some thorns into a crown, they put it on his head. They put a reed in his right hand and knelt before him and mocked him, saying, ‘Hail, King of the Jews!’ They spat on him, and took the reed and struck him on the head. After mocking him, they stripped him of the robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him away to crucify him." Matthew 27:27
Searching For God Knows What
Donald Miller
Take To The World
In Christ Alone
Sing His Love
We would ask that you stay seated for a few minutes
of silent reflection before you quietly exit the Sanctuary.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Gas Panic!

Noel Gallagher
What tongueless ghost of sin crept through my curtains?
Sailing on a sea of sweat on a stormy night
I think he don't got a name but I can't be certain
And in me, he starts to confide

That my family don't seem so familiar
And my enemies all know my name
And if you hear me tap on your window
Better get on your knees and pray, panic is on the way!

My pulse pumps out a beat to the ghost dancer
My eyes are dead and my throat's like a black hole
And if there's a God ,would he give another chancer
An hour to sing for his soul?

After an exhausting week, I am done. I'm looking forward to the weekend. Relaxing is fun. I did lose my mind a few times this week, panicked a little (reference to title a must) and enjoyed the absolute insanity of the world that I have immersed myself in.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Belleville is beautiful in the morning

An extremely early Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Frustration 1 - Sean 0

I don't know how well I handle constructive critisism. I had my story evaluated today and I did ok minus the fact that my lead (opening sentence) would put an insomniac to sleep (according to my teacher. I was on cloud nine after that one...

The problem with the Pioneer is that they have too many editors who all have their own opinion. What's a reporter to do? Who is he to listen to? I live in an ungodly environment. Jesus is a joke to them. It hurts me every time he is ridiculed. I don't stand up enough for what I believe in. I feel ashamed and weak today.

I'm also questiong myself as a writer. Journalists are supposed to write objectively about a situation which by the way I think is impossible. No human can be objective. We are subjective people. I think my problem is that I become too involved with my story and become biased, which is frowned upon. I let people's words affect me too much. I need to learn how to build a shield but truth be told, I don't want one. I like being vulnerable. It lets people know I care.

a view outside my school today

I went for a little hike around Loyalist today to grab some weather feature pictures. It was mighty cold!

Well I should get going since I'm in class. Have a wonderful day and remember you're worth more than sparrows.

p.s. Jerry I did check my email, I'll let you know the scoop when I know my schedule. Peace.

p.s.s. Luke, thanks for the email. I miss you greatly.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Everybody knows this is nowhere

Weather in town today - The rain is freezing today. Belleville's a big slippery pond waiting for an accident.

I've been listening to ol' Neil Young these days. 'Southern Man' is a song about racism in the American South. It makes references to slavery and the Ku Klux Klan. Great jam song. Apparently he wrote the chord progression while sitting on the toilet.

Interesting song fact: Lynard Skynard wrote 'Sweet Home Alabama' after hearing this song and hoped it would convince Neil that the South isn't as bad as it looks.

In other news, I'm almost done my story on the rap concert. I'm still waiting for a security guard to call me back so I can get his perspective and a few quotes.

And now in the words of my esteemed Porky Pig...."Thhha thaaat's all folks!"

Saturday, January 13, 2007

definitly maybe

Listening to: Weezer - Burndt Jam

Today I am working on my story from the rap concert. I think this is what I'll hand in.

A guy rapped. Fat girls sandwiched. I cried.

Sean McMullen
January 13, 2007

Friday, January 12, 2007

my head's still pounding

Last night was rough. Kardinal didn't come out until 11:30 p.m. I had been waitng since 8 p.m. Talk about a waste of time. Everyone at the Shark Tank pub was either drunk or dance-grinding with another person. It is the first time in my life I saw three larger girls make a dance sandwich. I still have nightmares...

When he did come on, he was wearing a skeleton costume. For what reason, I don't know. I guess he was trying to make a statement: "Wear your bones on the outside."

Anywho, the night wasn't a total loss. I interviewed who I needed to and made a few friends along the way.

The one of me on the floor is exactly how I felt after the concert: Defeated by rap.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

my favorite Dylan song

I'm going to a rap concert tonight...woohoo...

Ahh.The joys of journalism. The rappers name is Kardinal Offishall. Yes that's right. Kardinal Offishall. He's a rapper/reggae artist from Toronto.

I'll let blog world know how it went soon.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Oh yeah!

afraid, not scared

I've been terribly uninspired lately to create longer blogs. I start out writing but ending up backspacing a whole lot. It's not that I don't want to share, it's that I don't know what to share. So today, I choose to post lyrics to a song that I enjoy. It's my way of copping out today.

Ryan Adams - Please, Do Not Let Me Go

If the walls in the room could talk
I wonder to myself would they lie
It's like some kind of jail
Fall from the curtains onto the bed
I'm all alone now, I can do as I please
I don't feel like doing much of anything

True love ain't that hard to find
Not that you will ever know
Would you lay here for awhile?
Please, do not let me go
Please, do not let me go
You were sweet enough to sing,
Oblivious to melody
Red suitcase full of clothes
Washed up on the shore of memory
I'm all alone now and I feel just find
I don't feel much like doing anything

True love ain't that hard to find
Not that either one of us will ever know
Would you lay here for awhile?
Please, do not let me go
Please, do not let me go

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Which superhero are you?


I am the Green Lantern.

Monday, January 08, 2007

still a man in need of a Savior

Greetings and salutations to you, yes you the one who is reading this blog. Remember my dear friend that God always knows whats best for you. He certainly proved that today in our lives. God is good always.

Bless you.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

city rain, city streets

I am currently importing my Bleach album 'Astronomy' onto my iTunes. Bleach are sadly now broken up but in their rocking out era, they delivered some mega cool tunes. My favorite album is the one with the picture of the couch on the front.

I've been thinking about past friendships lately and how much I miss them, despite their length of existence. I remember one particular evening where some KLBC'ers hung out at Vaniers/Dents place. Todd and I were playing the guitar, jamming and singing about whatever and I regret not getting to know Todd better.

Same goes with Jerry B. While we could talk about similiar interests and share a little bit about ourselves and faith, I never took the opportunity to hang out with him outside of school. And for that I am sorry. I also know you read this blog Jerry so we should make time to hang out in Pbo. I'm only an hour and a half away!

Plans for today:
- Go for a walk because when will be the next time I can walk in this warm January?
- Upload more albums onto my iTunes.
- Read the Word and meditate on the beauty of it.
- Play guitar and maybe a bit of 'Age of Empires II'

Good day everyone. I am going to go deep fry potato slices. MmHmm.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

free until they cut me down

Listening to: Donovan Frankenreiter - All Around Us

It's been almost week since I've been back in blog land. Tsk tsk. Well school starts again Monday. I'm kind of dreading it but it's probably nervous nerves.

Listening to: Iron and Wine - Fever Dream

Now that I'm writing out my blog and trying to think what words I should type down, I feel somewhat depressed because what should I care to share? A blog is very impersonal for many people. Well it is for me. I wouldn't write down my deepest and most dark thoughts for everyone to read because I feel that would be a cheap way of gaining sympathy or empathy, which I don't want. It's a nice feeling to see someone commented on my blog because they took the time to at least half-read it. The comment box creates a feeling of being wanted or appreciation.

Listening t0: Tom Jones - It's Not Unusual

It's unsual that I'm listening to this man.

Listening to: Ben Harper - Strawberry Fields Forever

Is living easy with your eyes closed? Every time Ben sings that line, I think to myself, "The Beatles, while legendary, were cracked!" I know I'm not looking into what it really means but maybe that is the meaning. There is nothing to get hung about so I won't worry.

Good day all.