Thursday, October 26, 2006

it's times like these you learn to live again

Financial woes. Spiritual discontent. Marital or non-marital fights. E-tests. These are just a few things that can knock you off your path to happiness.

I would like to state that I hate the E-Test. Or rather, I hate paying a large amount of money just so I can pass it and drive legally in this province. In Nova Scotia, the only task you need to accomplish is to pass your safety test, then you're a free bird! But not here. Honestly, who really cares about the environment? If I was really concerned, I would stop driving my car. Whoever set the e-test in place should have vegetables thrown at them. If they were so concerned about the environment, wouldn't they try to eliminate the amount of cars being driven? I guess the test might discourage people from driving because it costs a lot to fix whatever is wrong with the car.

Future warning to people moving to Ontario: Have lots o' money

What to do to drive here legally:

Pass safety test
Pass e-test
Change ownership over
Change insurance over (you have 30 days to do this)
Change license over

Tips to get through:
- Make sure your car doesn't suck.
- Know a good mechanic (call around)
- Prayer. Maybe God will fix your car if you pray enough
- Insanity is a must to convince people you need help
- Sweet talk also helps (but not on males)

Anywho, that ordeal is over, thanks to the lovely fellas at Bay City Mazda.

I'm listening to "The Church" by Derek Webb. And I am happy. Good Webbsightful thoughts.

Ruth made me some lovely Hot Chocolate with Cinnamon and boy is it yummy in my tummy.

We are playing Lemmings. Got to go!

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